by Bill Cisowski
In total ignorance the demonstrators outside continue their chanting for Obamacare declaring the same as they did in the Trayvon Martin case that "facts just don't matter..." Really, is that so?
Those demonstrating have never read the extensive wounds against liberty that Obamacare would inflict. Most people who demonstrate and demand Obamacare will find that, just like the bait-and-switch presidency of hope and change, the Obamacare they desire will not be as expected but instead a grievous deception.
Obama who in exchange for election support had made the rather Faustian bargain with the banks delivering handsome payback to them when the TARP bailouts were approved. Yet the main street demonstrator with his slogan-scrawled signs continues to blindly bark that Obamacare is good. When is it time to awaken these pickets from the trance of Obama worship? Even though poll numbers are dropping, there are still hold outs who won't accept that Obamacare in fact will never be for us "regular people who love liberty". Regular people are being fooled with a "bait and switch" healthcare nightmare.
History demonstrates that emerging fascist governments must control the healthcare of its people. For example, the ability for a doctor to declare a person insane is a useful tool to suppress dissent and was used extensively in Soviet Russia. Dissent may increase and the regime would need a method to deal with it. Making a person wait for lifesaving surgery is another way. Waiting until he or she dies would be useful to the overall goals and have since proved popular in Communist China.
What has preserved us so far are our Christian roots of "live and let live", and "do unto others"--roots non-existent in most of the world.
In a free democratic republic where force is restricted by the Constitution, the trick is to get the public to take the bait voluntarily. Something free is most always not free at all. But how many can think critically?
Obamacare contains a hook which is of course the most essential part of the ultimate control system. Most people will eagerly take the bait. And Obamacare is mandated or you "pay a tax"--a clause the Supreme Court is now taking up even as I write.
Are you against Obamacare? Maybe we can force you into drinking the Kool-Aid if we use the word "free" long enough. Nothing is free. In the overall plan, the travesty we call Obamacare is linked simultaneously to a planned economic decline designed to impoverish Americans. According to U.S. policy planners and U.N. documents, what we are witnessing now in 2012 is a plan designed under Agenda 21, adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development on 14 June 1992 to change America by stealth.
According to global planners and Washington policymakers, Americans must be brought down to the level of third world nations in order to save the environment. As expected, fear and hysteria are a good part of the selling strategy. But to me, suddenly the NAFTA and CAFTA treaties and the dropping of tariffs and shipping jobs overseas all seems to make sense. They were bought off. They sold us out. Washington rats are at it again.
To appreciate and understand in a visceral way, how the mood of the nation will change once the economic rug is completely pulled out from under us, one has only to visit a crowded local Social Security Office. This is an office where an armed guard is present since people can get emotional when disagreements arise or benefits denied. One can only imagine what this place will be like if the U.S. experiences a downturn in the order of a 1930's-style meltdown implosion. Those things that were formerly appalling, including the so-called "medical review boards" or "death panels" will be readily accepted by the hungry and destitute. Just as is happening in Greece, the new coming austerity policies and Obamacare must go hand in hand if the New Global Plan is to work.
As the assault on the middle class continues through downsizing and outsourcing, the taxations, licenses and fees will be increased, squeezing out the last of existing wealth. The population will be driven, captured and fleeced. Then their numbers will be reduced to a manageable level. As in other countries a national health care plan would be the centerpiece of the plan.
National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM-200), also called The Kissinger Report lays out a very detailed strategy by which the United States would aggressively promote population control, first in foreign countries by hooking their corrupt leaders on bribes, foreign aide and loans, then as part of the deal, bringing in health and population clinics in line with U.N. guidelines.
But because of our Christian heritage of fairness and truth it must be brought home to the U.S. by stealth and by lies as it has been advanced so far. The less you know about what is being planned for you, the easier your transition will be for them.
To understand just how Obamacare could be used as future bait, consider the appointment of John Holdren senior advisor to Barack Obama on science and technology issues. Holdren wrote the book Ecoscience which envisions forced abortions, mass sterilizations and a "Planetary Regime" with the power of life and death over every American citizen.
The Bible says that man's nature is evil, and evil has its way of finding a road to the most peaceful neighborhood.
The essential message of these characters is that humanity is bad. The consistent rhetoric from globalist like Al Gore is that there are too many people. You must be convinced, even if we lie to you, that people are the cause of global warming, so we need abortion, and carbon tax because carbon is bad, and bad carbon leaves a footprint, so according to these sick gnomes we need more Planned Parenthood, more euthanasia, all widespread propaganda drummed into your head since elementary school with cartoons of poor dying whales to boot.
Interestingly enough, what slowed them recently was the leaked emails written by this mob admitting they had falsified data on global warming. What is so amazing is that without a fair look, the media keeps on with the global warming drumbeat. The lie must never be challenged by any facts. Remember facts don't matter in the systemic groupthink. In essence this is not about environment at all but about power and control.
Obamacare would like to start with the old and infirm. To eliminate the old has always been an essential goal of the hope and change tyranny--the example of China being relevant. The old remember too much about the way things used to be. And it is no different for a dictator who rules by fiat--or executive order or a strongman who launches wars without congressional approval and signs bills that the congress never reads.
The Obamacare plan of eliminating the old by withholding essential care should be important to everyone working to defeat Obamacare. Those who can raise an objection or point out a miscalculation are of no use to the regime. Facts get in the way and congress gets in the way. According to the new regime in Washington, such trappings seem to belong in the dustbin of history. It is perhaps their wish that we become as impotent as Cicero of old who lamented the empty chambers of the senate and the death of his dear Republic.
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