Newt Singin' His Old Song
By Bill Cisowski
Newt like old man river, he just keeps rolling along...that old song and dance that worked well in 95, is now, playing again like there is no dark past to remember, playing that tired old tune of the oligarchy that back him, lulling the unwashed masses with a lullaby that the whole sheep herd of soccer moms and dads hear with glee. It is only later that they squeal that they are the sheared and taxed sheep being drawn and quartered and sold down the river one more time by a global power system that owns both sides of every election, every war, and every mainstream talking head. Poor sheep.
Back at the Pentagon, sanctions on Iran, are not quite enough so then up comes sanctions against any EU nation trading with Iran, well that sounds like the old familiar tune playing again, that tune of the oil embargo they played against Japan which stirred that nation into launching their day of infamy. But most of the brass will secretly admit that war is just a racket, you dance to the tune, place your bets and get rich in the end, or you buck the system and disappear down the memory hole. But skill and diplomacy must come into play when launching this Iran war without letting on that you engineered it. The sheep would never stand for that. Yes, Washington desperately needs a war. A war that we can believe in. A war to sweep the sitting president back into office. A war to get them out of the financial criminality that has flooded in around them and get people to forget their crimes. But getting the war going becomes even more difficult that the botched days of The Gulf of Tonkin. In the day of internet tweets and international bloggers, everyone has and ipad and a video camera.
The war of words keeps going as Press TV reports on January 26th that a senior Iranian official dismissed as futile the latest EU sanctions on the country's oil exports adding that Tehran will not allow a condition to arise wherein others are allowed to sell oil and Iran is not.
"In the absence of Iranian supply, oil prices will go up and they (the Western states) know it; However, Iran will never allow itself to be in a situation in which it cannot sell oil but other regional states can," Ali Akbar Velayati, senior adviser to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, announced to Press TV on Thursday.
So who knows if Ali Akbar Velayati is just showboating for the cameras. Only time will tell. The big question remains will the EU nations dance to Washington’s old tune? I think the test will not be proven openly but in the backroom deals and threats among leaders that are to come.
More is to come.
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