
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Rising Era Of Discontent

By Bill Cisowski

The Occupy Movement’s rise is a real indication that great dissatisfaction has begun to enter the US mainstream, yet it is largely ignored by the media.  Perhaps this is so no one may blame the single dominant political party in the US.  That single party can be euphemistically called the "Demorepublicrats".  Both parties wedded together owned and controlled by the same Wall Street banks.  That long-standing marriage is designed to prevent the birth of any US third party.  Their network news will convince you that Gingrich and Santorum are somehow conservatives in spite of their record, a record which has exposed them as big-spending globalist pawns.  A third-party choice will always be blocked by the PTO (powers that own--Washington) in order to keep the average American in their media-fed illusion that they still have a political choice.  Of course nothing could be further from the truth.

It should be of interest that with all the lies and disinformation coming out of Washington, people still believe the government can create jobs, provide security and broker international peace, when in fact, the secret plan and objective has now become promotion of widespread destabilization.  This plan of destabilization, is so opposite to what people actually believe is happening, yet it becomes the globalist’s groundwork for chaos.  Out of the cauldron of chaos order can arise, but an order of a new sort.  The Third Wave, as Toffler called it, and often referred to as The New World Order by some.  The idea in essence is to halt the nation states from developing their resources.  How better to do this, than to use the military to monopolize the energy supply in the oil producing nations?.  How better than to covertly finance and foment the chaos of color revolutions in the Middle East and the third world while at the same time financing Agenda 21 and environmentalism here in the West.

An essential part of the execution of this bigger global plan, is the task of maintaining sacred myths.  The myth of Global Warming and overpopulation is only part of it.  This, combined with the myth of "better days to come" is put forth even as individual rights, especially property rights, are destroyed.

Consider the mythology of environmental sustainability as a means of public control.  You could call it the Green Energy Smokescreen of which our leader puppets have become the prime acolytes.   So many of the great green myths that have bred discontent are now running into trouble today.  Yet such  long-entrenched beliefs cannot easily be extinguished especially among the most ardent of Green Party members .  For a humorous diversion, consider the very apt Green Party candidate comedienne Roseanne Barr.  She is polling high with the Greens, feeding the public the well-entrenched mythology of renewable energy replacing oil.  Their dream of rail service replacing the freedom of private cars plays well with the urban poor, but for the middle class it only makes interesting parlor talk. 

Everyone should be aware of an important truth:  Resources for the poor in American and also in Europe are designed to come to an abrupt end.  If you care to see the future, please look at Greece where the recent EU bailout has become a great squeeze play on the Greek people.  The bailout becomes actual payments to the banks themselves and comes with the contingency of greater austerity measures.  If the Greeks, under the EU con game are being robbed of their pensions and the austerity squeeze amounts to nothing more than control, then we here in America, under the same global cabal, should be wondering how long it will be before the great strides made under The New Deal, The New Frontier, and The Great Society will be eroded as well.

Now the EU is like the little boy with his finger in the dike.  We know that markets will eventually break the European Union in spite of any more bailouts.  The gravity of the markets will eventually sweep the Euro away.  If one nation state, such as Greece could opt out of the EU, go through hard times, but eventually get back on their feet, gain their sovereignty, freely devalue the drachma, and begin a recovery, then other nations will catch  on to this EU con game.  Hopefully you will see an end to the global economic stranglehold as the other nations--Portugal, Ireland, and Spain, exit this EU disaster. 

In the larger picture, geopolitical issues will always revolve around oil, wars, and trade deals and economic freedom.  But the myths die hard and will continue as the well-financed Greens try to corral us into forsaking private land use and instead become welfare dependent in compact soviet-style cities. 

But to awakened readers of this blog, this con job is a hard sell—even to those environmentally brainwashed since grade school.  People are beginning to realize the true nature of the globalist endgame.  People are beginning to realize the con game over increased state control over private property in the name of environmental sensitivity.   Private property, if not confiscated by force,  will be propagandized over environmental junk science.  Junk science which is not allowed to be discussed, questioned or studied, and even when disproved, is still inserted into almost every PBS nature program.   

The bottom line is to deny the people’s access to real wealth.  This is when the unelected NGO’s write the laws, paid-off congress nods and obeys.  Ask any refugee from the old Soviet empire how this era of discontent is designed to turn out.  More next time.

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