
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rio Gang Concludes: Global Warming no, World Government yes!

What was the real thrust hiding behind the 20-year-old fake environmental movement called AGENDA 21?  

Yep, everyone loves the environment but who would use it as a cover for a more sinister plan?  Who indeed?  The answer became clear this week as Lord Christopher Monckton and his U.K. team broadcast their findings in an very clear and eloquent interview given to Liberty News Network.  Monckton and his team had infiltrated the covert U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development known as Rio+20 and learned some startling facts about the new shift in global strategy.  The video is embedded below.  If it is not visible, visit

We now discover that the ultimate goal of the billions poured into environmental movements such as Greenpeace and Sierra Club was not about saving trees.  The real agenda was closing off access to land for the poor and middle class of most nations--part of the overall U.N, strategy of world depopulation and destabilization. Their genocidal brand of confiscatory green land grabs would bring about a lower standard of living for most of the world. 

This reduced and impoverished population would then provide more leverage for political change and control.  According to Monckton the global gangs new cause would no longer be environmentalism but now 'poverty'.  Imagine that. If modern history tells us anything, you can always bet that such plans by this global gang will result in just the opposite--more poverty.  God bless, and Maranatha.

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